Kurs 4: Double Wedding Ring – Marti Mitchell

4. Double Wedding Ring – Marti Mitchell

"The Double Wedding Ring is one of the most easily recognized quilt designs in existence, but the curved seams may crate quiltmakers apprehension.

Remove the mystery of curved seams without gimmicks. Double Wedding Ring variations like Pickle Dish and Lafayette's Orange Peel included.

Use our templates to accurately cut and mark the pieces, and a 1/4" seam allowance to sew. Follow Marti's tips and instructions and you'll feel confidant. "

Kurs 4: Double Wedding Ring med Marti Mitchell 

4. Double Wedding Ring – Marti Mitchell

6 timer fredag, - kr. 1000
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Program for NQFs årsmøtehelg 
Påmelding for deltagelse og kurs

Marti Michell har 2 kurs til på årsmøtehelgen: 4. Fat Quarter Log Cabin (4t lørdag) og 6. Sunburst (4t søndag)
 Marti Michells hjemmeside.